Forschung und Projekte am CSM

Neuerscheinung: Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Assessment

Im Rahmen eines jetzt neu erschienen Sammelbandes „Analytics, Innovation, and Excellence-Driven Enterprise Sustainability“ setzen sich die Wissenschaftlerinnern und Wissenschaftler des Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) mit Fragestellungen zur Managementperspektive bei der Implementierung von Nachhaltigkeit in den Geschäftmodellen auseinander – bisher durchaus eine Forschungslücke.

Abstract: Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Assessment

Whether and how “sustainable business models” effectively support sustainable development is not just a matter of design but also of the measurability and manageability of business model effects.While the interrelations between organisations’ sustainability performance and their business models is discussed in an increasing number of academic and practice publications, appropriate management approaches for the deliberate assessment and management of business models and their expected contributions to a sustainable development of the natural environment and human society are currently not available. Therefore, this chapter discusses this research gap and proposes a conceptual framework for sustainability oriented business model assessments.


  • Florian Lüdeke-Freund
  • Birte Freudenreich
  • Stefan Schaltegger
  • Iolanda Saviuc
  • Marten Stock

Analytics, Innovation, and Excellence-Driven Enterprise Sustainability


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